CST 383

Introduction to Data Science

CST 383: Introduction to Data Science

In data science, data analysis and machine learning techniques are applied to visualize data, understand trends, and make predictions. In this course students will learn how to obtain data, preprocess it, apply machine learning methods, and visualize the results. A student who completes the course will have enough theoretical knowledge, and enough skill with modern statistical programming languages and their libraries,to define and perform complete data science projects.

Course Outcome

  • Obtain data from various sources and in various formats, clean it, and preprocess it.
  • Explore and visualize data as a first step in formulating specific questions about it.
  • Formulate a question about the data and select appropriate machine learning algorithms to use in answering the question.
  • Run the algorithms and evaluate the results.
  • Develop a presentation conveying the project results, including plots and tables.
  • Write code to support all steps of the project, including implementation of some machine learning algorithms.

Final Project

Final Project on GitHub