CST 311: Intro to Computer Networking
Survey of Telecomm and Data Comm Technology Fundamentals, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, Internet and internetworking protocols including TCP/IP, network security and performance, emerging industry trends such as voice over the network and high speed networking. Designed as a foundation for students who wish to pursue more advanced network studies including certificate programs. Includes hands-on networking labs that incorporate Cisco CCNA lab components.
Github link to Programming Assignments
CST311 Team Programming Assignments
Program 1: Sockets
- Create server and client sockets
- Learn to create sockets using TCP
- Learn to create sockets using UDP
Program 2: UDP Pinger
- Create server and client sockets using UPD
- Learn to properly set socket timeout
- Send message to server for processing then back to client
Program 3: TCP Multi-Client Server
- Create a TCP server program with multiple connections
- Use multi-threading to handle multiple connections
Program 4: Subnet Addressing in Mininet
- To analyze a given script and correct the network design allowing hosts 1 and 2 to ping one another, respectively
- Drawing network diagrams showing IPs of all interfaces