CST 336

Internet Programming

CST 336: Internet Programming

Provides students with dynamic web application development skills, focusing on the integration of server-side programming, database connectivity, and client-side scripting. Coverage includes the Internet architecture, responsive design, RESTful web services, and Web APIs.

Homework 1

First static website where we learned the basics of HTML and CSS.
I made a website that talks about Bufferbloat, a known issue in the networking field.


Homework 2

For this homework assignment we applied what we learned in using JavaScript and JQuery, and accessing Local Storage.
I made a 2-Player Tic Tac Toe game. That records the winning player and displays their name on the score board at the end of each game.

Tic Tac Toe

Homework 3

The third homework assignment required us to use the Ajax to make calls to an API and update the page using JQuery.
I decided to take an app that I made for android and make a web variant using Open Weather's API for weather data and Open Cage for location data.

Dark Weather

Homework 4

Our task for this homework assignment was to redo the first website we made; however, this time using a Node.js server to serve our webpages.
I also took the liberty to improve some elements of the previous design. For example. Instead of using aligning my text to the center, I used the default left justification for readability purposes, and I made my hyper link titles meaningful.

Bufferbloat with Node.js Server

Homework 5

For the last homework assignment our task was to build a site that used everything we had learned with the addition of using a database to save and display information on the site.
I decided to build a site that searched a video game data base and allowed the user to see additional information about the game (e.g., pictures and description). They also had the ability to give it a like or dislike and that was saved to a database where they could see the global like or dislikes.

Game Rater

Final Project

For our final project, my team and I built a movie rental website. We used built the site using Bootstrap, Node.js, Ajax, JQuery, and The Movie Database (TMDb).
