CST 438: Software Engineering
Prepares students for large-scale software development using software engineering principles and techniques. Coverage includes software process, requirements analysis and specification, software design, implementation, testing, and project management. Students are expected to work in teams to carry out a realistic software project.
Week 1
- What is Software Engineering?
- Style Guides and Rules
- Code
Programming Assignment
Coding a Spring Controller
Week 2
- Testing Overview
- Unit Testing
- Test Doubles
Programming Assignment
Coding a Restful Controller
Week 3
- Larger Tests
- Documentation
Programming Assignment
Message Queue Programming
Week 4
- About Teams
- Knowledge Sharing, Mentorship, and Working in Large Groups
Week 5
- Setting up Heroku
Week 6
- Engineering for Equity
- Learn to lead a Team
Class Project
Our task was to work in a large mega team representing a company. The main objective for my team was to build an airline website and an API that a team in charge of building a full package vacation would use.