CST 462S

Race, Gender, Class in the Digital World

CST 462S: Race, Gender, Class in the Digital World

Provides students with key knowledge of race, gender, class and social justice especially in relation to technology in today's digital world. Students challenge the barriers of expertise, gender, race, class, and location that restrict wider access to and understanding of the production and usage of new technologies. Students will engage in a practical experience in the community via their service placements, which will provide depth and context for considering questions of justice, equality, social responsibilities and the complexities of technology and its societal impact. The course uses scenario based approach combining presentations, discussions, and reflections to allow students explore the relationship between critical reflection and action on the topics mentioned above.

Service Learning website

I reached out to Howe-2 Care 4 Critters, a local cat rescue, and offered to build a website that would consolidate all the information found on their Facebook into an easy-to-navigate format.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • EJS (template engine)
  • Bootstrap
  • Heroku (for deployment)
Howe-2 Care 4 Critters (link will be active soon)

Research Paper